By Joseph T. Salerno
Mises’s great treatise is the antidote to the real and immediate threat to human liberty and society represented by the pernicious social philosophy of progressivism.
Check out my own review/recommendation of Human Action. This truly is the greatest work of economic philosophy that's ever been written.
Economics is useful for predicting the outcomes of specific policies, but only in a qualitative sense, as it cannot provide precise numbers due to the lack of constant relationships between factors. Its strength lies in understanding possible effects, not in precise measurements..
Very well said
Oh man, how did that letter turn out?
I haven't heard back, and likely won't. It still weirdly lifted a weight off my mind. I'll keep trying different stuff, including just figuring new content to make myself.
The more I put myself out there and refine my mission, the better my chances will be of finding a nice opportunity.
Just have to wait. Sometimes it takes a little time before they answer.