At the end of the day Bitcoin is freedom technology and the sovereign individual has to figure it out themselves.
That may be true... but I agree with solomonsatoshi too. In fact I agree with his entire post. Coinjoin some bitcoin, for forward-looking privacy so you can buy something on L1, then try to sell it on afterwards on an exchange. Can you?
Spend months if not years buying bitcoin a little at a time, then buy 3 cups of coffee, in between purchases, at random intervals. (Make the 2nd one a latte). Then calculate your 'capital gains' taxes. Can you?
Find google-searched articles, many of them, that don't focus on bitcoin's price, trading, trading TA, or "what it's gonna do" or... focus on scams at bitcoin ATMs with elderly people (those articles apparently get a lot of coverage). "What is bitcoin gonna do" typically means the price on coinbase which is arguably the least interesting thing going on. See where I'm going with this? Am I the only one with a tinfoil hat?