In a recent update from Bruegel, the Brussels-based consulting firm, Russia has regained its position as the second-largest natural gas supplier to the European Union for the second quarter of 2024. The German newspaper Welt reported that Russia supplied approximately 12.73 billion cubic meters of gas, edging out the United States, which delivered 12.27 billion cubic meters of liquefied natural gas (LNG) during the same period.
Russia's gas deliveries to the EU utilized multiple routes: tanker shipments of liquefied natural gas, 4.1 billion cubic meters via the functioning Ukrainian transit, and a significant increase through the TurkStream pipeline, which transported about one-third more gas than in the previous year. Despite the ongoing geopolitical tensions, EU gas imports from Russia remain unaffected by sanctions due to the dependency of several member states on Russian energy supplies.
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Do you buy in to the narrative that the Russians (via operatives pushing the ESG agenda) duped the Germans to ditch nuclear for renewable energy or was this a self-inflicted wound?
germany's exit from nuclear power is a singularity in the geopolitical field. and the exit is entirely due to germany's party history which is somewhat different from other european states. the green party is the centerpiece of the davos agenda and has traced its entire founding myth, which in germany tends to always be a left-leaning party system, back to the exit from nuclear power. that is their main narrative.
In the long term, Russia will once again be the most important supplier of gas and will also earn money either way from the transfer of resources from Russia to Central Europe, be it in the area of nuclear power, gas power or the development of renewable energies, which are also very resource-dependent.
I think that one clever (as in evil genius) that the Davis types have done is to simultaneously push the green agenda alongside the DEI narrative. This helps them counter reasonable push-back against excessive immigration as racist. Similarly, when the green agenda is challenged they dismiss it as ‘anti-science’.
The opposition is either controlled or sidelined. It’s tough for reasonable people to operate let alone remain optimistic.
We need to follow our paths, observe an understand what they're planning and trie to grow stronger