Could it be used to fill in/check for relay gaps? E.g. when someone you're following is online at the same time as you, you tell it what notes you have and ask if any are missing, and those can be sent directly.
Sure, I think for augmenting relays a dht be cool or for discovering relays/nostriches in the first place or as a place for relays to crawl and check if a peer is available to be read from.
Otherwise, I'm not sure it'd provide a twitter-like experience with online/offline/roaming/behind-nat peers.
Nostr works pretty well today because it emulates the way most applications work - notes are concentrated and duplicated to a few places and clients read from them. It's a lot like ActivityPub but with keypair ids. Moving beyond that model will require some pretty radical and practical insight that no one has managed to produce and scale yet.