Assumed I am correct in my thinking that the probable amount of SN active users are NOT importers, exporters, wholesalers, manufacturers of any type of merchandise, food stuffs, etc. They do not use or realize the benefits of using Telegram, LINE and WhatsApp for daily communications in business communications. ( I do) as well as other methods, depending on the region.
Every time another restriction surfaces in doing regular B2B, it adds to the decision making process in pulling out of a region, Country etc.
Question(s), points to make:
Should I continue to trade with my French B2B customers OR support Telegram and voice my disapproval in their (France) holding Durov ?
And now should I continue to trade with my Denmark B2B customers OR support Telegram and voice my disapproval in their (Denmark's) decision about Telegram and they are also discussing WhatsApp (which is used by 99% of my B2B customers Worldwide ?
It is an UNDERSTATEMENT to say that the UK and Western Europe in general are still dealing with negative outcomes for both sides. Adding more to an anti-business vibe is NOT good for any business anywhere in the World.
It seems logical to just shift AWAY from any Country that is adding more and more restrictions, we will be getting even more and more restrictions here in the USA.