It started off early, towards the tail end of the Cold War most of us were dangerous, rebellions fuckers to begin with ;-)
I guess I could even tell tales about stolen dynamite these days, since the statute of limitations allow for that, but also because we averted it being used on the hedge of a teacher by giving his pupils some of our cow dung instead...
Fast forward to 2020 of course all my old, healthy instincts got triggered, which led me into doing stuff like driving my motorbikes with no insurance, license, helmet and worries through the whole lockdown madness. All well so far!
As someone who's been pulling tricks on the sly when necessary, but in silence, it is now my duty to emerge & use my background to buidl the new and free world, so a year or so ago I started writing "The Monero Startup".
Of course one of my well prepared nyms running on QubesOS had to test out ChatGPT, using an account bought from entrepreneurial Ruskies to make sure its all off any shitty radars!
And that is when it happened, wanting to know more about how the hell we should manage to organize through this insane tornado of tech run amok. After getting a good summary of how the mafia organized and survived through the years ChatGPT reminded me of the bloody obvious: always let anyone wanting to join your team doing a crime first!
Its sooo simple and beautiful, especially since I can personally guarantee that any sats I receive here will be totally off any tech or government radars, it will all be spent in the new, free markets, come what may ;-)