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The group, which includes industry advocate body the Blockchain Foundation, is planning the fundraiser for Sept. 13 in Washington with tickets priced between $500 to $5,000, Reuters reported on Aug. 30.
“Blockchain Foundation” is supporting a candidate who has suggested unrealized capital gains.
Are they dumb or am I missing something here?
I guess they’re organizing the fundraiser to tell her about the stupidity of the idea.
Looking to pull an SBF and build regulatory moats around themselves? Have exceptions carved out for them in legislation?
I remember SBF paid donated to both Republicans and Democrats. I think that's how it's been working for a long time.
You’re right. They’re hedging their bets.
I wonder how it will be to support blockchain and digital property rights in a socialist America though.
No idea.
I think unrealized capital gains tax is a death wish.
I guess they figure they need to at least try.
If there was any doubt before 2020... Anyone with half a brain cell knows after that event that it was all about building our own Digital Gulag!
Anyone who is not 100% in on the freedom side now actually is the enemy...
They should not support anybody. Capital gains on one side and a self-consumed grandpa on another.
Kamala is self consumed also. She isn’t a grandmother because she is not a mother. She is childless. Never been pregnant. 60 years old in October