The news hits Germany like a hammer and it also hits the European economy: Germany's flagship car company Volkswagen is planning plant closures and canceling the job guarantee that was supposed to last until 2029. A 14% slump in profits this year is causing panic in Hanover. Years of attacks by German politicians and NGOs against this central company of the German economy are finally bearing fruit.
The green socialists in German politics should actually be satisfied with the progressing and accelerating de-industrialization of Germany. In the low-consumption green paradise of the future, in the Green Valhalla, these products will no longer be needed anyway. Then mobility tickets will be allocated by benevolent central planners in Berlin and the state capitals. Good luck with this policy!
PS: Germany has lost 500,000 jobs since the Green socialist government took office. But this is certainly the result of the rise of radical right-wing parties and the massive adaptation of efficiency technology.
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