My opinion on this is the following... First of all, we must take into account what could happen if Trump were to win, that is, what would mean the continuation of one of the worst state administration managements in the United States, so bad has it been that this administration has the third largest expenditure in the history of the US. Being only below the expenditure of the Second World War and the expenditure of the Plan-demic of 2020. The Socialist Communists who are in the White House disguised as Democrats must get out of there. That in my opinion is the main thing to observe in this matter. 👀
Now regarding the Bitcoin issue, I think it's all noise, Trump and all the politicians are false and obviously look out for their own interests, there is none on the earth's surface who is really there for the well-being of the common people or their equals, none.
About Bitcoiners, IMO. There are two types of people who talk about adoption, bitcoin payments, ETFs, showbiz and those topics where they think that adoption is that each human being has some SATS and that all the Governments say, Yay, come with me and let's get on the Bitcoin Train 🚂🍊.
And then there are the other Bitcoiners, The Awakened 👋🤠⚡ those who know that adoption has been here for a while, and those who only really care about escaping with their wealth from state control (for me, Bitcoin's best superpower 🍊, of the many it has) those who understand that Bitcoin does not need support from Governments, even that Governments do not want to support Bitcoin, but rather control it. Because Bitcoin is THE GREATEST THREAT THAT COULD EVER EXIST, TO END THEIR FIDUCIARY SYSTEM, WHICH KEPT US SLAVES.
Slavery that was supposedly abolished in 1780, when Tupac Amaru II, leader of the indigenous revolution in Peru, issued the “Bando de Libertad” in Tungasuca (Cusco), proclaiming the abolition of slavery and granting freedom to the blacks that the indigenous forces found and inviting them to join their cause.
In conclusion, and I repeat, this is just my opinion. The real issue is who is worse, Trump or Kamala (KE-MALA). And it is important because they are still the economic power of the world, everything that happens there impacts the rest of the smaller economies around them, at least those that are clearly dependent on the US, which is where most of us live.
Thanks for reading, stay free and in Pagüer 💪🤠⚡🍊
thanks for posting. I don't get why so many talk about communism. USA's current agenda is not even close.
You say, everything impacts smaller economies, that is very true, hence I do not get why Trump. He is a horrible choice if we start talking about his impact on global world. many leaders think he is a joke, he thinks any agreement with other countries which is not financially beneficial has to be changed (there are other long term reasons than short term financial gain to be in a certain agreement)
So you consider Kamala as an option? Everyone thinks communism won't ruin their country... until it happens