I was living in Japan when the competition to nominate the most popular mascot was launched. I remember thinking to myself that it was so silly of the Japanese to get themselves worked up over something so kiddish. Needless to say, I didn’t put in a single vote for Kumamon, Kumamoto’s mascot.
Thankfully, Kumamon didn’t need my votes because it was crowned Japan’s number 1 mascot eventually. Kumamon has become synonymous with Kumamoto. It travels overseas regularly to promote Kumamoto as a tourist destination. Its brand name is probably worth millions; its range of merchandise prompts people to turn in their wallets and purses. I am not too proud to say that I have asked my mother-in-law to purchase Kumamon underwear for me before haha.
So, when I spotted Kumamon at Kumamoto Zoo, of course I felt motivated to take an obligatory spot.
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Nice pet, I had never seen that pet, it looks very good.
Maybe it will come to your part of the world some day!
It looks the happiest Mascot. You've written so much about Kumamoto. Is it your wife's home there?
Yes, my wife’s hometown!
I’m spreading the message well!
I think I have seen this in Taiwan, too.
I’m not surprised.
I think Taiwan has its own mascots too, but they are kinda ugly in my biased opinion haha
Im a fan of the suika penguin.