The only way you can take down Bitcoin is by coralling it, by co-opting, subverting or forcing actors within the ecosystem to do specific things.
This also has to be done as a long term, complex operation. It is definitely something I am watching, as a big picture and long term thing.
The woke madness has already corrupted some open source projects, and worst case it will lead to rot and vulnerabilities that could render even Linux less capable and secure than it has been historically.
This is actually the reason why I've at least played around a bit with OpenBSD, and of course running QubesOS for a few years now gives a completely different perspective on most things :-)
Price manipulation and ETFs is of course a real thing, but that is about numbers only, the things I'm trying to describe here is about the foundations of the tech itself, if the base gets corrupted nothing else matters long term...
I think what I am concerned about... is a type of silent, creeping subversion. The 'slippery slope' of just 'one more kyc'.
'One more rule' (like the UK travel rule for example).
One more restriction (to keep you safe of course). One more way to stop 'money launderers' (right, sure ok) which of course means more surveilled access to cryptocurrency and fewer cash transactions in Europe. In order to 'stop the terrorists' (who the Europeans have gone out of their way let in in enormous numbers as supposed 'asylum seekers'). It's all to "keep you safe" of course as Bitcoin takes its "last gasp" in early 2023... according to European Central Bank which apparently despises Bitcoin. I mean it's all incredibly dystopian.
The free exchange of ideas, whether one agrees with them or not, and the decentralized platforms are really really important imo and that is not what etfs are about currently
My plan for the coming years is to buidl on uncensorable, unstoppable tech only, while telling anyone that fiat & KYC shit is always second or third priority only!
This way I will keep focus & build new networks with integrity, even if I worst case has to go back to earning in fiat.
Hell, I'll tell old business contacts openly what is going on, and that I regard all the shitty laws of the country that thinks it owns me as null and void after 2020! ;-)
Will be a fun, interesting fight, and having bailed to Asia years ago I have some great cards to play from now on!