I think it is important to separate what bitcoiners (broadly speaking) feel about Trump vs. what the bitcoiners who have megaphones (influencers, podcasters, early adopters with large follower counts, etc...) feel.
Bitcoiners who have the megaphones certainly seem to lean towards Trump. Two quick examples I can point to are Marty Bent and AmericanHodl. From what I can gather, but I do not know with 100% certainty, they were both conservatives prior to both bitcoin and Trump. When they speak about politics, they cite Fox News reports or Tucker Carlson, etc... They both have large megaphones and often (perhaps just self deprecating humor) describe themselves as idiots, but they did have the good fortune to run across bitcoin early, spent the time/effort to understand bitcoin, latched on early and became relatively wealthy/popular in the process.
On the other hand, you have bitcoiners, the tens of millions of actual bitcoiners who don't have an outsized voice online. They, surprisingly perhaps, do not lean towards Trump (or conservative) but rather largely follow the general demographics of the US electorate except they tend to lean towards the younger and male side of the spectrum. The Nakamoto Project released an excellent study recently that you can read for free on their website. If you don't want to peruse their dozen page study (which I highly recommend), you can also listen to one of the study authors on the What Bitcoin Did podcast. I'll put some links below:
https://www.thenakamotoproject.org/report (click the "Download Your Report Now" button to read the doc, you don't need to fill out the mailing list info)
Summary image breaking down bitcoin owner's political leanings:
Here is the executive summary of the report for those who don't want to click the link:
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