I may or may not have invented this phrase now, while thinking about musicians, and v4v/podcasting, and the future of bitcoin culture.
Apparently, I shouldn't call the band, The Bitcoin Only Band, even though it seems to me like a perfectly logical name. What do you think? Not necessarily about this. :)
I would see a b.o.b. just for kicks. if their music was good, i'd try to find a reason to book them for a show.
Maybe get in touch with @MrPseu on twitter???
What kind of show would you book them for?
Recently i've been thinking about a circular-economy dinner: staff/food/location/tickets all paid in bitcoin.
Something like 30 plebs... + a couple waiters, a chef & sous-chef
That's the sort of thing :)
I've thought of that for a while, though not as many as 30. Though why not?
Each dinner would feature a different chef and unique menu.