hey, is this thing on?
a friend is considering moving his family to Mexico. he doesn't use stacker news, but he does stack stats, so maybe he'll hit me back on this bounty. this morning, he shared a message to a group discussion we're in:
https://www.vallartadaily.com/ seems to have instituted a pay wall recently, anyone have another source for Mexican English language news that they really like?
i'm asking the community, for a recommendation please for english language news about Mexico
2500 sats - my favorite recommendation for a news source 1500 sats - bonus option for english language news about Paraguay 100 sats - the first 10 replies (i'll check back in about 50 minutes, and if there's more than 10 i'll rank by most upvotes so far)
gratitude to stacker.news... maybe there's cause for a feature like this.
both have options to translate to english if google chrome/edge doesn't do it for you.
50 minute check. no comments...
didn't go the way i thought it might. but thanks for playing, y'all :)