Hate having to shorten the full headline, which is:
Robert Reich’s Ridiculous Response To Elon Reminds Us That Censorial Instincts Have Infected Both Parties
And yeah, he makes exactly that point. God knows I'm not a Musk fan, and am more likely to be trash talking him than defending him (here and anywhere), but Reich's going so far overboard here.
Masnick's thesis:
As ridiculous a character as Musk may be these days, and as silly and cynical his support of Donald Trump may be, calling for silencing someone over their political views is pretty fucking authoritarian. Yes, Trump himself does it, but that doesn’t mean others should follow Trump’s lead.
But he dives into all of Reich's arguments in detail. Masnick's been writing Techdirt for years (he's the guy who coined the term "Streisand Effect"), and I think he's right on the money here.
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