So typically with Chiari Malformation you get blessed with additional (comorbid) conditions which can make figuring out what is Chiari vs the other issues a bit of a mess.
That being said easily the biggest issue I struggle with a storms/barometric pressure changes. My body just sucks at handling it and that leads to off-the-scales headaches, vision issues, and concentration issues. I have a medication i can take to help prevent the headache but if it doesn't work than I'm SOL and either just try and ride it out or take prescription painkillers.
Since I can often anticipate or see the issue coming I can prepare for it and lessen my load at work as well as take the med. If it is just a crazy busy time at work or the weather changes earlier than expected it will depend. Sometimes I can be completely worthless and just straight up unable to function but other times I can push through it and stay busy.
My bosses are all aware of this so that helps as well. I've worked for the Committee I work for for over 2 and a half years getting close to 3 now so they are aware of the ranges of functionality and depending on how I'm functioning what they can expect.
Work caused issues would tend to just be busy and missing a storm system or pressure change but like most things stress as well.