Andrew and I sit down for a fun conversation while overlooking the San Francisco Bay. There are a few sound/wind issues with my mic (mostly towards the end), but hopefully nothing too disruptive.
We focus a lot on energy, but touch on a number of interesting ideas from the edge, including:
  • The declining cost of solar and batteries
  • The commodification of solar and Bitcoin miners
  • The interconnection process in ERCOT
  • Opening new markets as the cost of solar continues to decline
  • Bitcoin Mining vs. AI compute markets (price and uptime are two major factors)
  • Reforming legacy power markets vs building new ones with microgrids (micromarkets enable microgrids)
  • What a power market does: 1) match supply and demand to create price at each node and 2) serve as clearing house
  • Nostr as the communication protocol for decentralized energy markets?
  • Pirates once ruled the world because they were free to experience different modes of life. Do they still?
  • Andrew’s vagabond/pirate ethos and lifestyle experiments
  • Andrew’s other business idea: a tech enabled private military as an insurance company
  • How does humanity evolve into the hivemind?
  • Patience as the ultimate virtue
Andrew is the co-founder of Satoshi Energy
Excellent podcast, I really enjoyed it a lot.
🙏 glad you liked!