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By Connor O'Keeffe
Despite all the money spent on US healthcare, an astounding number of Americans suffer from chronic illnesses. Yet the political establishment has shown no interest in even discussing the issue. It's important to understand why.
To much money to be made in pharmaceuticals and they got a hell of a grip on all the governments
It's such a perfect example of the incentive problems around politics.
Treating symptoms is always the choice when there's a lobby that profits from the disease.
Curing various diseases wont ever be profitable so we either don't find those cures or we price them so high 99.99% cannot afford them as well
That assumes a pharmaceutical cure. The vast majority of medical care goes towards preventable diseases. Essentially, these diseases are already cured, but people don't take the steps to prevent them.
I also feel like doctors often only give lip service to the importance of lifestyle changes, compared to how seriously they advocate for treatments that just happen to make them more money. That point's complicated, though, because doctors risk alienating patients if they're too pushy.