Have long wanted to try Bitcoin mining using surplus solar I have from living offgrid. But previously mining rigs were either too big to use on my 1600watt PV/ 2.4kw/h LiPo4 battery solar system, or were too small to use any significant amount of surplus solar electricity. The solar system I have is designed to be just big enough power lights fridge freezer and laptops/tv all year round with very occasional need to use generator mid winter, if it rains for more than several days. Most of the year however there are daily surpluses of electricity which just gets wasted as the controller dumps the surplus power once battery is full...so a small solar miner rig that can use some of that surplus has always been a plan. Recently saw the Lucky Miner LV07 which has a hashrate of about 1 Tb/s and a power consumption of 25-30 watts. The solar system can handle a constant 30 watt draw (except maybe the midwinter) so I ordered one and now have it running. Although the chances of earning much are low its been an interesting experience to learn how to connect the rig up to a mining pool and adjust its settings. Its not that difficult to set up -and I'm far from expert in tech. So if you have always wanted to try Bitcoin mining on a small scale, especially using surplus solar power it is now viable. USD$120 for the miner now creates a (slim) chance of winning 3.25BTC every ten minutes!
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Got a link to where one can purchase this miner?
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005007167398964.html There are many different vendors on there for this product. Check their prices and feedback before ordering. The link above is not the seller I bought from because the seller I bought from has now run low on stock and raised price. It seems the product is in hot demand and prices going up.
Thank you!
also check Telegram groups Home Mining Wizards and Pleb Miners
you wanted to say 1TH/s. 1TB is to refer to storage capacity 👍
Correct. One trillion guesses per second seems amazing to me for such a low powered device! And nearly always it guesses wrong.
21 sats \ 2 replies \ @OT 5 Sep
I didn't know the Lucky Miner could do 1TH/s
I was going to buy one of them but couldn't find much information. They look like they took the idea of bitaxe and made it into a closed source product.
I ended up buy a nerdaxe.
I think this Lv07 with 1TB/sec has just been released quite recently, maybe only the last few weeks- previously the Lv06 could do about 500MH/sec. TBH didn't consider the open/closed source nature of the device but would definitely prefer open source if possible.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @OT 5 Sep
I see.
They might be doing something like the latest bitaxe which I think does around 1.2TH/s. Sounds like a good price though if its only $120USD
1 TH/s? Slim as in 1 per 650 million. Or expected wait time: 12,000 years.
Thanks for the calculation- yes its a very low chance but I'm using power that would otherwise be wasted so my power cost is effectively zero :) and its also about being part of the peaceful revolution. Setting up the miner I learned a bit more about the pools and the process so I guess for a hobbyist its quite rewarding. Long live the peaceful revolution that everyone can be part of to provide an alternative to the fiat debt slavery bankers cartel that owns most governments and hopefully we achieve The Bitcoin Standard before another 12,000 years!
Some people are ok with playing the power ball odds to win the jackpot: 1 in 292 million. Same order of magnitude~~
Winnings are lower here though. And in bitcoin terms, will go lower with every halving. Hashrate goes up too, for now.