I did make the mistake of buying a TV set when I was 18, but sold it the following year when the Cold War grabbed most of my attention doing a year in the army, reading Jung made more sense then haha!
In the mid nineties my mum dropped off a TV set, so the inevitable thing happened, I ended up watching shit until the channels closed for the night...
After a few weeks sanity grabbed me, I looked at the large glass of water I had in my hand, walked over to the demonic thing an emptied it all inside.
The fucker changed channels a couple of times, then a blue line appeared, together with lots of crackling, electric sounds, then it was dead
That felt great, never ever gotten even close to watching any of it again!
And to be fair, I did warn her, I was super clear that I did not want the thing close to me haha
Easy. Stick to nostr and stacker