Stacker News for me is the greatest thing ever, the incentives for writing long form are just totally right, which makes it a viable platform for writing about many complex themes that I have been wrangling with for years.
Its so good that I can easily use Stacker News as my primary platform, where my articles or whatever can get real feedback, in sats but also comments from smart, independent minded people. This is perfect, what will turn into at least one book is so much easier to get done here!
But what about other long form outlets? Right now I'm trying to check out Yakihonne here again, but its just not loading... Habla News was another platform that I tested out a year ago, where are these now not in terms of tech, but as platforms for long form writers?
I see there are others now, will check out Flycat very soon. I do know that there are some where you have to apply, I'm not against curation but will still not go down that route just yet, the whole point of rebuilding a weird career on Bitcoin and Nostr only is to be totally unstoppable in any way :-)
Not answering your question directly, but know that anything you post here can be automatically crossposted to NOSTR relays. And it uses the long format NIP as far as I remember.
Yep, I'll get around to reconnecting my main Nostr account with this new one here soon!
That will be the first steps in my new workflow for sure, then I will add as many platforms as possible where I can have thing automated or semi-automated, so that my focus is on content not tech...
you "must have" an extension or web: Yakihonne or Highlighter APP: freerse, Yakihonne (support amber)
I know that, tested both, but how are they working out from a creators perspective? :-)
Will check Highlither, doesn't sound like it accommodates for long term, though
Yakihonne has a Yaki chest system, writing flash news, it's a bit of a problem like there are no readers there is no content, create content to create readers..
Suspected that about Yakihonne yes... Its not easy to get things like that started!
Will check out, the rest is interesting tech but what I'm aiming for here is eyeballs only, and ASAP hehe... Checked the links out, might great for later when I get to the next stage :-)