Unfortunately, it is not.
I got gifted a one-year membership, so I'm trying to use it as well as possible before I have to make the decision to renew it or not on my own dime ;)
I think we need to find out a better one and absolutely free one. This is too much for a month.
It ain't cheap, I agree.
As I use it every day, I can live with spending this much, but indeed, lots of people have complained when they raised their fee a few months from 15 to 20 dollars.
There are a few other ones, but Zwift has the biggest community. I never tried the other ones. The people I know use Zwift.
  • Rouvy: 12 dollar/month
  • Trainer road: 20 dollar/month
  • Sufferfest: 15 dollar/month
  • BKool: 10 dollar/month
  • Fulgaz: 13 dollar/month
  • RGT Cycling (premium is paid)
  • Golden Cheetah
  • MyWhoosh. I get plenty of ads for this one, so it seems to be quite active.
  • Kinomap (premium is paid)
It does take money to host and develop it, so I would be surprised to see anything if high quality being fully free. But who knows... Let us know if you have a good experience with any of the free ones above.
Ok. I'll tell you.