year and music for each clue ?
  • During this year was a time in the UK now referred to as "The long Hot summer".
    • 1976
    • Wings - Silly Love Songs
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Sorry looks like @eduardopro beat you to it. You were correct, and Wings is a great song from that year.
@eduardopro won because he answered early, right?
Yep, it was first to the punch this time, but I might switch it up to a zaprank, most popular tracks from the clues as voted by the users? Zap the comment you think has the best selection of tracks? What do you think, first come first serve doesn't help people on different time zones.
Time zones are a major issue, especially regarding the leaderboard (rank decreases with inactivity). It blatantly favors those who are awake at midnight in Austin. It significantly disadvantages Europeans.
Regarding this challenge, I think it's positive to do as you say. Among the correct answers, choose the winner based on the zaprank.
We can experiment with it over the next coming weeks and refine it. If it doesn't work, can always just revert back to what the throwback Thursday used to be.
Each clue was from the same year.
But I like your thinking, perhaps it could evolve to being a bunch of different year clues and bounty gets paid to the correct answers. Answers are submitted in music form? I kinda like that.