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So, this morning, my daughter spotted some bananas on the table and immediately wanted one (she always loves bananas). As she was about to grab one from the bunch, my wife suddenly said, "Wait, go wash the banana first!"
I looked at my daughter and rolled my eyes, signaling her to go to the sink and wash it. And, she did so.
Me, confused inside my head: "Really? We need to wash a banana before eating it?" πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
Yes, always4.1%
No, never 87.7%
Sometimes, when it's possible8.2%
73 votes \ 185 days left
Do you brush your teeth before consuming anything? The bacteria might build up if you haven't brushed your teeth a few minutes ago before eating!
What about after eating then? We need to brush again?
Yes, yes! Why not we get permanent brush setup somehow in our mouths.
I had never done it. Never seen any Indian doing it!
I have never heard of this. Why? She knows you don't eat the peel, right?
Yeah, she knows. I think some people have habit like that.
It might not be a bad idea. The skins are probably covered in all kinds of pesticides.
Profit > health, apparently...
Lot of fruits (apart from bio ones) are covered of really bad pesticides. But do you eat the skin? For other fruits I agree in doing it
Wash the bananas!!??? I am a doctor and I have never read or advised a patient that they should wash a banana before eating one. It must be a custom inherited from washing fruits that are eaten with the peel (apple, pears, etc.)
But in any case, there are times when bananas can be so dirty that you have to wash them before eating them.
40 sats \ 1 reply \ @OT 5 Sep 2024
Sometimes they use incense to ripen bananas. But there's no need to wash it. You don't eat the skin right?
Yes. Never eat the skin. Let's say it, it's a strange habit. πŸ˜‡
the fuck?
Nope. If it's a thick-skinned fruit like a banana or orange, I don't bother (though I do know some folks cook banana peels, and I've zested oranges, and I always wash then).
Why do we need to wash the Bananas. Bananas are in Pyjamas. Bananas in pyjamas are coming down the stairs.
No, never
When we eat banana after peeling, then what is the need to clean it?
I don't see a point in washing bananas.
People have strange habits and tendencies. Whenever my wife turns on the air conditioning, she opens a few windows. I keep telling her to stop doing that, you are just making the AC work harder and she says "you have to blow out the hot air first". I don't know why but she firmly believes this and can't be reasoned with. So I just go behind her and close all the windows. Haha.
Women 🀣
That's something that I've never thought about until this post, but the answer is no
Oh wow!! This is the first time I've heard about washing a banana before eating it!
Not eating them as they aren’t growing in my latitude, can’t wait to get to the tropics and will gorge!
Most people do it out of habit, nobody eats the banana peel. Fruits like apples or pears should be washed. If I pick them from the tree, I never wash them.
We wash tangerines, oranges and watermelon or fruits that we cut out peel that may touch the inside. We do not wash bananas.
I do now as of 2021 only easy organic bananas. I noticed the fruit of bananas was tough inside and not what I was used to of 50 years ago I started buying organic bananas and the quality of much better.
It might be a scam but empirically it seems to be a good value.
I don't wash the bananas though.
I'm here for the comments... that escalated quickly...lol
If you buy an underwear, do you wash it before using it ?
My wife and daughter do. I never did when I was single. Now I do what I'm told.
My man! :)
And i didn't ask too "why should we wash bananas" to my wife 🀣
That's a married man πŸ˜‚
Not always, but it usually has a chemical smell before washing.
It depends. Whenever I buy underwear from roadside shops where they sell it openly, I always wash it.
i don't eat bananas as it lowers the IQ
Explains what happened to me. I eat a banana every morning.
Never done it, tbh!
Since I was little, I was always taught that even fresh fruit should always be washed for hygiene reasons.
You don't wash bananas monkey never cramps.
I never have washed a banana before eating it. Doesn't the skin protect it?
Apples and grapes I wash before eating though.