Fountain 1.1.2 is now live on iOS and Android!
Loads of bug fixes and improvements around the nostr integration:
  • fix cpu + memory performance issues affecting playback
  • fix library cache issues affecting playback
  • fix for new boosts appearing correctly on episode page
  • improve nostr reaction + reply caching
  • group multiple reposts in home feed to avoid duplicates
  • fix promotions in home feed
  • fix for ipad sharing
  • fix mark as played
  • improve nostr connect success message
  • open fountain content text links in the app

Massive thanks to everyone for continuing to submit feedback - please feel free to DM anytime or send me an email!
Fount stop giving promoted postcast ep
Fountain is all I use right now for listening to podcasts!
One side note is when I am playing clash of clans or another game, it won't work concurrently with Fountain. When I'm on spotify or Youtube it works just fine. Is this a known issue, or is there something I need to keep in mind when podcasting through fountain while doing other activities at the same time?
oh interesting - I haven't heard this before - will do some testing with clash of clans and report back
Working great now. Had a bit of issues after initially linking to nostr but all good now.
One thing that I did notice is I was not able to get an new episode from a sports podcast I routinely listen too but it was available on Spotify. Seems to have loaded in to Latest Episodes feed ok today but last night it wouldn't appear and had to listen on Spotify. Never had this issue before.
can you send me the link to the podcast and I'll investigate?
It would be great to have it on f-droid
Thanks! Noticed the promoted episodes have been fixed.