I'm just not sure what territory is the right one for this, but at least here is not downright wrong haha!

Just do not follow the rules to solve problems!

I never did in the first place, but playing chess with a friend very late while we were drunk got me to really think in retrospect. When he took my last officer I was left with maybe 3 pawns and the king, he had something the same but his queen... No way he could lose then!
That is what he thought haha... On a hunch I just started talking about random stuff, pretending to give up, while moving my doomed pawns around rapidly.
It worked! He put his queen down right in the track of one of them to get to my king, and it all ended in remis haha!

Rules, regulation and lawfare

Wrangling over a company and accounts
Around 3 years ago I ended up advising my long time friend and business colleague when the other members of our co-op basically pulled off a coup. He did the footwork, I didn't really have any cash in it all, so I felt it was a fair deal to help him get even, or better.
For a few weeks he did all the heavy lifting, we discussed all details and although I did give him input on detail the most important part was to constantly remind him that they would think that we would follow all laws and regulations, simply because they are normies!
It worked beautifully, first it turned out that they had used the wrong regulation to grab control of the bank account, and once that was back in his hands the business register had no problem reversing the rest of the paperwork :-)
Then of course most of that cash vanished in Mali, but that is not really my problem haha!
Bulldozing over a powerful guy
My partner in the other company was the one dealing with accountants. In retrospect I should have done all of it myself, he was too gullible, and in the end we ended up with bloody two accountants that both did not really do their job, other than billing us of course!
For the first one we did have some points to push that were valid, but another guy we had as business consultant shot it down. Then the time came to the second, where we had no good arguments to come up with whatsoever...
The guy was someone locally, loaded and the owner of the firm. Of course he had forgotten all about his promises early on, and my partner was not really up to offering much resistance. In the end he kinda forced an agreement on us that there was really not much to talk about, and we had to go along with that.
Then he wanted to shake my hand when we left... To this day I don't really know what took hold of me, but what I said was so nasty and direct that I later understood that I must have managed to reach something inside this stone cold psycho, we never heard a thing about the bills haha!
Actually I did not feel well about that last one, but still it was probably fair.
Avoiding fines or worse on a highway
I knew that I got out on the highway where motorbikes are not allowed, it was a mistake, and then I saw the lights in the mirror... Now, there is always some room for acting even when shit like this goes down, and of course simply slowing down peacefully is the right choice, trying to give a good impression in every possible way.
Then a truck with a trailer started veering off as well, signaling that he was stopping, thinking that he was the target for the patrol!
I can't even remember if there were any thoughts, but what I did next was pure instinct, I took off, got too close to it, maybe even on purpose, then when the truck got the picture of course I had to give up, pointed to myself with a bewildered look and then stopped.
Next up was of course the ordinary spiel, super polite and so on, especially since I had no drivers license or insurance! ;-)
He must have been a bit concerned, and since the first thing I asked him about was where I could get off he told me "5km", and the deal was close to sealed. Fuck that was close...
Still I had to tell him right after he started retreating that I knew I was in the wrong haha, that a car had blocked me so I could not get into the right lane in time. I could see the regret on his face, but still the original decision stuck :-)
In Asia things are often more humane and flexible, that is for sure...

Those who enforce are ruled by the system

Anyone who works with enforcing laws, rules and regulations has to see things as more or less a black or white thing. At the higher levels there is often more room for nuances, but still you can use this to your advantage in so many ways.
Now, in some cases and jurisdictions you might meet those who simply do not allow any discussion or deviation, you should know if you are in such an environment or not.
Then again in many cases its the opposite, simply by not fitting in you might become a "difficult" case, someone they'd rather want to just let go. Especially if it creates more work for them and you are super polite and likeable at the same time!
The beauty of this mindset is also that you don't even know what cards you might have & play before it happens, so using any opportunity to get used to this is something you should really use. It is a real skill, and once you can get into this groove while also keeping a birds eye view and cognitive process about the whole thing while it is happening then you might be able to pull off some real magic.

When a state that exists in virtual space saved many lives

I'd like to finish off with mentioning a really remarkable story. Laibach the Slovenian band is part of a larger art collective called NSK, that in the late eighties declared that they are a virtual republic that has no physical existence, it is virtual only and based on art.
They even had the Slovenian central bank printing passports for them! Looking like the real thing there were actually quite a number of people who had those and used them to get out of the cauldron where ~5000 were killed during the breakup of Yugoslavia!
Of course the border guards had no idea what "republic" this was, but they probably also knew that if they did not let these people pass they might be dead soon... And if it was a real country, they'd be in trouble themselves...
Also these passports were a good excuse if they'd get flack from any superiors, it could then easily be explained away as a mistake.
And of course not following the rules might be even more important during times of chaos, when things get real bad it is often the only way to stay alive...
It is a very particular title of your post. I really enjoyed reading your anecdotes. Many times we have followed the rules and we have been enslaved to not daring, to not dreaming for fear of what people will say or of breaking the rules.
Oh yeah!
The thing is that when breaking away and not following any of the set rules its even more important to be rational, to plan ahead, shoot down your own assumptions and actually use a flexible set of rules based on how real life can get you at any moment.
I'll do something on how setting up my own routines was the only fallback that saved me from getting whacked by a truck right outside the house here, in one of those once in a decade cases where everything in traffic conspires against you in one split second...
💯. Rules for our "safety" are all about control and revenue of course. I worked as an electrician for many years and every year there were new codes, or "rules" that just made everything more difficult for everyone involved. Nonsense. Luckily Bitcoin incentivizes actual productivity and efficiency over bureaucracy and arbitrary rules. It's a bright future. Thanks for the great post. 💚
I've worked around 600V DC, that is scary shit...
Here in Asia I've seen description of how electricians used to hook up shit, one of the main challenges being that no one really know what pattern the colour coding of the wires follows, sometimes yellow & green is live hahaha
That must have been a while ago, but still what they do with 220 volts AC here makes you wanna run and never come back...
But yeah, still many things can be done, I regret not doing a video of when I cleaned out an outlet without pulling any fuse... That was easier than getting the point through to my wife that it was necessary, so to avoid lots of back & forth I just did it :-)
And yeah, as I suspected one of the wires was both corroded and had slipped...
Maybe I'll do something on rules for idiots versus real life? Its a very different beast, good routines for doing dangerous stuff with what tools are available is valuable, but requires far more real work to get right I'd say
No one wants to take responsibility anymore. we have been making rules for the lowest possible denominator for a while. I do things the way I want. And sometimes it's risky. I'm aware and okay with that.
Hell yeah!
I'll get around to handling that large old boat I had for a decade ago, especially the last voyage where I had a more or less planned engine fire haha...
When you're all alone at night in a boat, in waters full of rocks, or in fog so dense that you can barely see your bowsprit, well you learn how to get things right!
Especially wishful thinking is a real killer in real life, with a culture more or less based on that the years to come will be hilarious haha