Being a young adult, born in the Internet society where every possible content need can be satisfied with just few clicks, is difficult.
You are born in an environment where your parents don't know how to use technology, whereas you get the nuances of tech pretty quickly. You can watch infinite films, read infinite books (which is not always a good thing), you can access to infinite music.
You have 24/7 nonstop access to porn, violence, sexual content. You are basically a monkey waiting for the pavlovian conditioning effect to happen...pretty soon that dopamine peak that the first content gave you isn't enough, and then you start shrinking in the hole of dopamine addiction. Which basically means addiction to anything.
This short message is aimed to anyone struggling with porn addiction, internet addiction, dopamine addicition in general:
You are better than this, you're worth more than this. You are not ok the way you're now, as society is trying to tell you. You are not ok now, but you can be in the future, if you take the path of responsibility to not blame anyone else. You can became better, just start with the smallest step possible in the right direction: if you have an addiction to YT, delete the fucking app; if you are addicted to porn, just delete the fucking browsers and setup some DNS redirects. You can set up a defensive mechanism while being sober, in such a way you're going to create obstacles to your future addicted self. Think hard about that.
If you set up your environment in this way, will come a day in which you'll not even feel the triggers, the need for dopamine peak, that need for the rush.
Love yourself.
I think it’s ironic that the first post I read on SN today is a reminder for me to have a digital detox to escape from the clutches of the dopamine rush haha
Interesting. What kind of environment changes so you recommend?
If possible, phisical environment changes. It can span from moving the bed to changing the position of the PC, to not letting the smartphone entering the bedroom. Phisical changes can avoid the triggering of subconscious associations, thus that's always a good idea.