@jeff - thank you so much for this incredible feedback. Dune Analytics is spot on with empowering everyone with the tools to amplify everyone else, and we'd love to get to this point from a technical/feature perspective over time to amplify the growth and highlights of the LN and its activity.
Your idea of curated lists for directories/categories is great. To make sure I understand your idea, you would login (via node signature, LN, or email), create any list(s) of node categories by adding in their pubkeys/aliases, publish your list(s) - and then either you or anyone else could see this list, the aggregations and visuals associated - and possibly vote, star, and favorite these and see them over time?
Already excited to get going on something like this - this is very helpful and much appreciated 🙏
You got it bang on.
My gist idea, was just one implementation path (of many) to reduce the front-end burden of making a UI to effectively let the users maintain an array of node-ids. Could make "community maintained" lists more possible. You could also do a walled garden thing, when users could "fork" (Backend copy, with breadcrumbs) another users' list, and modify it.
This is great, and I love your ideas of forking and mixing lists as well. Will absolutely get this on the short term feature roadmap, and thanks again for your help here - I appreciate it and will reach out as we get started on this.
Happy to help! Good luck!