Do you know what’s Sensei’s favourite word in the English language? Spontaneous. Wait, you wanna know another of my preferred choices? Fine, serendipitous.
This September holiday was the BEST ever, even though I had to drag my weary soul to work for two days. For once, BOTH my children managed to stay well enough to attend school all 4 days. (The childcare centre has this strategic habit of planning their retreat during the September holis, which effectively gobbles up one precious day of freedom.)
With both of them out of sight and out of mind, I greedily seized my opportunities. Given that arranging to meet people was as arduous as the star-crossed lovers meeting each other only on Mid-Autumn Festival, I was thrilled beyond words that my last-minute texts to cajole people to meet me worked.
Thanks to these friends’ willingness to make time for me, I successfully resumed my social life, much like finding that I could wear a pair of jeans that I had gotten too fat for! I hungrily devoured new experiences, like sipping Yorkshire tea latte at Louisa Coffee and splurging on cai png at One Hundred Grains. Heck, I even managed to down beer 🍻 at Daruma Tavern.
Riotous socialising aside, I also found the time to tick various outstanding items on my to-do list. Message an interior designer. ✅ Call SingTel. ✅ Trouble my vocational colleague to look into my leaking pipe. ✅ Order McGriddles for the wifey. ✅ I am efficient. Hear me roar.
With the September holis drawing to a close, I endeavour to build karma during Term 4 so that my kids will remain sick-free during the December holidays. Everyone, please watch out for a kinder and more empathetic and hilarious Sensei!