Dispite of being hub of cars manufacturers cars is getting expensive. This is reducluse EU ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡บ
"Yo dude, If we make cars super expensive, everyone will just buy EVs and we have net zero by 2030! What could possibly go wrong?" said the EU-Apparatchik.
As if he was waiting for his introduciton, here comes China man, body slamming the EU Car Market with cheap EVs. The first car manufacturers are tapping out: "Have mercy on us" cries VW "Please no do something EU" you hear BMW scream in Agony.
"No dudes, we gotta save the climate no matter the cost, we can make some more tarrifs?" "No tarrifs, free trade or we stop trade relations" says china man "Ah damn, there is nothing we can do, sorry EU Car manufacturers you need to go bankrupt"
And that was the end of the EU car manufacturers. They fled the EU took their 12.7 million jobs with them and lived happily ever after.
But what about little Jimmy and his family? They drive around in a 30 year old gasoline powered car, because his parents couldn't afford neither the european EVs nor wanted to be spied upon through the chinese cars. It get's the job done, but nothing was gained and a lot was lost.
This was a short story by Lando Rothbardian ;)
A tale of how Germany shot its cock off with its energy policy, then shot its balls off by killing its auto industry