I just wanted to take a moment to appreciate evryone who has ever zapped me, replied to my posts, or did anything to support my account.I just signed up about 3 days ago.
I've got 4000 sats stacked currently and I know that is nothing to a lot of you guys. But I live in Nigeria where its actually worth a really decent amount considering the economic condition of the country.
I honestly feel so grateful to have this opportunity to share my thoughts(my reddit got permanantly banned after my first post and i couldn't figure out how to fix it) and at the same time earn some extra money on the side
Im going to school tomorrow so I won't be available for about over a month. Thanks again! :)
May you succeed in your studies, buddy. SN is a game changer for me, and I look forward to enjoying it.
Glad to learn that SN has made a significant impact on your life. Good luck for school!