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Oh shit. My bad. I said knight but moved my bishop.
No no that was my screw up. I noted it wrong.
I have adjusted my board and put knight at b4 and sent the bishop back home. Moved your knight to c7 to put my king in check.
My next move is Kf7 (king f 7)
I would like to play the board where you didn't make the mistake since you're in an awkward position otherwise which is less fun so let me know which board you want to play.
As a summary, we played so far:
  1. d4 d5
  2. Bf4 c5
  3. Nf3 cxd4
  4. Nxd4 f6
  5. e3 e5
  6. Ne2 Nc6
  7. Bg3 Bf5
  8. Nc3 d4
  9. exd4 exd4
  10. Nb5
which is this board:
Now, we can continue like this:
  1. Nb5 Bb4+
  2. c3
which is this board:
Or we continue like this:
  1. Nb5 Nb4
  2. Nc7+ Kf7
  3. Nxa8
which is this board:
Let me know if you want to continue with last move c3 or last move Nxa8 (or we could even play both boards 👀)
Ok let's continue on the board where my bishop is on b4 and you countered with pawn to c3.
My next move is Qe7