Since a month I was hunting a hat 🤠 Today my mission is accomplished I finally fount a cowboy hat 🎩
I don't know how to keep hat with me. so any one can tell me please Please share your tips to keep hat
I remember that when I first published I won my hat, then I lost it because I didn't know how to keep it and then I found out that I had to keep it by continuing to publish.
Same as mine. Thanks now I know hot to protect my hat Have a great day
I'm the same as you, getting a cowboy hat, it seems like this is just a warning, because I can't use it either.
Haha 😂 that's funny
Well done! Someone after losing mine, I’ve kept it for a year now.
Haaa how did you do that Come on give me some tips
My observation is that spending and/or zapping >100 sats is sufficient.
I've been wearing my hat for 7 days. I lost it once and it was evident that it was because I didn't post on the day. So I don't stop being active on the platform. I don't know if there are other parts of the cowboy outfit but at least I'm willing not to lose the hat.
You dont need to ask. Just try some things on SN, and eventually you will figure it out. Grow and develop, the hat is the end game.
You get a cowboy hat whenever you spend 100 sats or more in one tip/post/ect.
What's cowboy hat am new to this thing?
I don't know either