The life expectancy related to Bitcoin from my perspective is related, as stated in the post, to the experience and perspective of the Bitcoiner.
When we start, a stressful aspect is the price of Bitcoin, its fluctuation worries us, over time, we come to like it, since it is the opportunity to accumulate on the downside and seek liquidity on the upside. Generally at the beginning we bought at once and sold in the same way, almost always when we were gripped by FOMO due to the fall and then we had losses and stress. Now we are happy about the fall and we buy in fractions.
Knowledge on any topic can be abundant, resources many, but if we focus on the necessary and essential resources then it is simpler to handle the technical aspects of Bitcoin and security. Of course, something that helps a lot is, in addition to doing our research, having a support community, and we have several, what we have to do is use them well.
In summary, the life expectancy associated with Bitcoin has a lot to do with what we use to feed ourselves in the sense of knowledge, the daily practice of knowledge exercises by testing what we are learning, that is what the Testnet is for; avoid bad habits, such as using custodial wallets, despairing over fluctuation, exposing our privacy, not saving the seed phrase in a medium away from the internet.
Taking care of our health with Bitcoin, which gives us security, freedom and privacy, is related to the experience that we accumulate and letting those who really love the community guide us, although sometimes it seems that they are hard on us