So, I would also continue posting and accumulating.
I have no fiat income, and also no realistic way of getting into one of those mines without risking all, Bitcoin, freedom and location, also physical health.
For me its better to prioritize what can barely make it into the real adoption, which is why I wrote about Bridging the Freedom Gap, here: #669330
It fits in well with what I want to do anyway to live in extremely frugal ways, and if I bring what I really want to produce content around into the Bitcoin universe then that would take away almost all of the stress that self censorship and managing actual risk, like being a sitting duck in this particular location...
To reformulate: would it be a good idea to mix these things into whatever else I do, will that type of content make it easier for me to make the ~10-30 dollars worth in sats each day that is what I need to spend daily?
Even if there is a low. but not zero change of getting to that level inside say half a year it would be worth it for me to go all in on :-)