They are certainly related as what is happening in the economy and with Bitcoin instructs what freedom I might have now & in the future to even do such things...
Reality is the dream, Buddhism teaches you to wake up from it, so I am confused by the seemingly negative tone you have about this wakefulness given the parallel romanticism you seem to have to it?
Yeah this is how it is, too. In a less complex world, as it was a while back too, none of this would even need any attention. As for negativity there are things in my previous experience(s) that is connected to that of course, which is also something I'll get into.
Why? Because I see connections between these things. I've been in situations for longer periods where I've lived it, and when analyzing why that did not last there was always something woke or fiat related as the root cause... Be that in myself, others, the structures I've lived in, or all of that.
Thanks for the feedback, its valuable and exactly what I'm looking for here to follow all of this through!
I hear you. My only question is, is your post a hypothetical?
I guess I am hung up on the mountains thing. What is currently your state of freedom that denies you from going?
Oh, its not hypothetical at all, and actually its a very practical matter for myself the coming years! :-)
There is nothing as of now that denies me from going, visited Nepal for the first time in 29 years twice this year already. The thing is that I have decided to turn the whole thing into content for sats or whatever else that can be generated from that.
This does feel like squaring a circle, and it is that in a spiritual sense. Still we live in a world where its far less probable that you can really retreat from it all, that is far more complex and needs some analysis, development and guts to get going I think...
Currently I'm fine, super low expenses, but also a need to get this going, which has to happen in other jurisdiction for reasons like work permit and so on. Nepal is on top of my list, then we'll have to see, anywhere that cash is still king is fine with me :-)
Well, as they say, “no time like the present.” If you are looking for permission from strangers on the internet, this is it. Git ‘er done
Permission? What I'm trying to figure out is if there is an even miniscule demand for content like this, that is all ;-)
This is a good place to get some feedback from smart, independent people, of course larger numbers are available in the fiat universe, but I want to have fully uncensorable platforms and Bitcoin as my base or foundation before I plug that in.
if there is an even miniscule demand for content like this, that is all
So you are then looking for validation from strangers... a bit of a non-sense, looking at the context. Anyway, I think you are starting from the wrong point: if it is something you really want to do, you should do it a priori, with or without a pre-boxed audience that maybe is willing to follow your journey, with or without a gopro, with or without Bitcoin reaching a million...
That would cancel the whole thing to begin with, I'd have to go right back into any shitty, low level fiat mine in a country where I'm not even welcome even though I'm born there...
If I sail an old, shitty boat across treacherous seas I'd collect the opinion of both old fishermen, amateur sailors, or anyone who've been in those waters before going. Once I'm at the helm its different of course!
I think I get you now. I personally am way less measured. I just yolo in full steam without a second thought haha. My justification would be, “I’ll at least get one hell of a Himalayan mountain adventure out of it”
Haha, well your take on it is certainly the way I'll play it once I pull the trigger!
The only thing is that these days there is no safety net any longer, no retreat other than being the domestic t3rr0rist haha... Which makes it worthwhile to plan for all sorts of strange eventualities, like mental maps that can also be content on its own :-)
I'll get around to writing about the extreme conditions that I left when I bailed the West too, some of it could be very helpful for some since I've seen a lot of wild stuff, sort of inside the beast itself...
I think if you can confront the possibility that you are capable of reprehensible harm and fully game out how that would look, the far less likely you are to carry such things out. Confronting fear is difficult, particularly when it is yourself you are afraid of (and I think we are all afraid of ourselves in our own unique ways).
You hit the nail on the head, nowhere is safe and never was. Most things are illusory. So, then, why not construct an illusion that empowers you, those you care about, and your community?
It seems like that is your intention. Hope you the best whatever you end up doing
Totally. I discovered very early on that I go stone cold and glass clear when in real danger, and with that comes a natural capability of becoming very dangerous, be it improvised or planned.
So I've spent decades avoiding getting into any situations where I'd have to go there haha!
You hit the nail on the head, nowhere is safe and never was. Most things are illusory. So, then, why not construct an illusion that empowers you, those you care about, and your community?
This is exactly what I've decided to do :-) And that includes complexity simply because the conditions we now live under more or less globally are treacherous as hell!
Constructing helpful illusions, I'd be happy with that hehe