Indeed quite circumventable. You don't even need a raspberry pi dns server or some shit like that.
You can just type in cloudlfare or google in your device settings as dns
What do you think: Politicians are tech-illiterate old people or they just don't care and censor big percentages of the population?
I think the goal is always to censor the illiterate masses. If their policies affect 98% of the population, it's a success. Those literate will always find a way. It's worth spending $1m to whack the 98% and it's not worth spending $100b to whack the 2%.
A good reason to study tech and be among the 2% because it means they mostly leave you alone.
ISP's can be easily coerced by the government to route those DNS IP's internally
The internet is physical infrastructure, if they really wanted to lock things down they could... including sending goons to anywhere that has an unauthorized satellite dish.