which was to be expected. Many of these "panic trends" are just repeats. There was a wave of "political corrcetness" before, also mostly at universities, around the 2000s.It was the absurdity of rich college kids thinking themselves the most oppressed peoples of earth because someone was mean to them once which, in their protected upbringing, no one had ever been THAT before. It swelled up and spread, took the media (then safely mainstream, all of it), and then people quickly got tired and then angered by it, and it died off. This was a rerun. This happens all the time. Media panics are the same. The smartphone is making everyone a zombie! They said that about novels. As in, books. They also said that about movies, and video games. And before, they said it about the theater. Sometimes history doesn't rhyme, sometimes it straight up plagiarizes.
Astute! People think human psychology is a joke, but hardly.