Ah, I see! I hope to be in Lumbini at the end of November, when Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche is doing the first fall seminar there :-)
The last time I attended that was also the last time Urgyen Tulku was alive as well...
Ideally I'd like to get a motorbike too, just need to figure out how things work when skipping drivers license, insurance and all of that haha!
Skipping a driving license is very easy here. Nobody asks. And if thy do, you get a challan of hardly 4 to 5 dollars, and most importantly with that challan you get some days when you can't be penalised again. So, it's easy. It's only tough if there's some accident by the rider/driver.
Yeah, all focus should be on not getting into trouble in the first place, and if that were to ever happen I would totally expect to somehow compensate for that in the first place...
But then maybe I'll even be able to find an agent that can help getting a real license in Kathmandu, I guess that should be a very basic test!
That's good thinking! Don't you have a licence from your country?