If you could make a wild guess or really rough estimate, how long would you project it to be before sats are used for common purchases, such as a Big Mac or parking garage fee, in the US?
Adding the response from US perspective. I always joke around saying the Whole foods next to my house will be the last one to adopt bitcoin/lightning.. b'cos as of now there is no incentive to change. But there is always 1 or 2 defining moment that will change the course and expecting that to happen in the next few years...
Cool, thanks for this perspective. This makes sense.
This is Egge writing, adding this because this answer is my personal perspective and experience.
I'd guess it will happen a LOT quicker than most people expect. Not far from my hometown a Subway recently started accepting Bitcoin. And I am from Germany, a country thats known to be more conservative and "slow" when it comes to digitilisation.
Wow, that good to hear and interesting for me to learn. Thank you for the response.