pull down to refresh

Thanks a lot and I appreciate the feedback
I noticed and got ready to post part 3 later on. But since I like your reply, how about you help critique it here before I post it
import tweepy
import nostr_client
import requests

# Twitter API credentials
twitter_api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"
twitter_api_secret_key = "YOUR_API_SECRET_KEY"
twitter_access_token = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
twitter_access_token_secret = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET"

# Nostr Wallet credentials
nwc_public_key = "YOUR_NWC_PUBLIC_KEY"
nwc_private_key = "YOUR_NWC_PRIVATE_KEY"

# Alby credentials
alby_url = "(link unavailable)"
alby_access_token = "YOUR_ALBY_ACCESS_TOKEN"

# Set up Tweepy
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(twitter_api_key, twitter_api_secret_key)
auth.set_access_token(twitter_access_token, twitter_access_token_secret)
api = tweepy.API(auth)

# Set up Nostr Client
nwc_client = nostr_client.Client()
nwc_client.connect(nwc_public_key, nwc_private_key)

# Set up Alby
alby = Alby(alby_url, alby_access_token)

def extract_payment_destinations(twitter_username):
    user = api.get_user(twitter_username)
    bio = user.description
    payment_destinations = []

    # Extract npub
    npub_regex = r".*npub[0-9A-Za-z]+"
    npub_match = re.search(npub_regex, bio)
    if npub_match:
        payment_destinations.append(("npub", npub_match.group()))

    # Extract Alby address
    alby_regex = r".*[a-zA-Z0-9]{64}"
    alby_match = re.search(alby_regex, bio)
    if alby_match:
        payment_destinations.append(("alby", alby_match.group()))

    # Extract LNURL
    lnurl_regex = r".*https://[0-9A-Za-z]+\.lnurl\.io/"
    lnurl_match = re.search(lnurl_regex, bio)
    if lnurl_match:
        payment_destinations.append(("lnurl", lnurl_match.group()))

    # Extract BOLT12 static address
    bolt12_regex = r".*lnbc[0-9A-Za-z]+"
    bolt12_match = re.search(bolt12_regex, bio)
    if bolt12_match:
        payment_destinations.append(("bolt12", bolt12_match.group()))

    return payment_destinations

def send_payment(payment_destination):
        if payment_destination[0] == "npub":
            # Send payment to npub using NWC
            event = nwc_client.create_event(21, payment_destination[1])
        elif payment_destination[0] == "alby":
            # Send payment to Alby address using Alby API
            url = f"(link unavailable)"
            headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {alby_access_token}"}
            data = {"amount": 21, "destination": payment_destination[1]}
            response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, json=data)
            if response.status_code != 200:
                raise Exception(f"Alby API error: {response.text}")
        elif payment_destination[0] == "lnurl":
            # Send payment to LNURL using NWC
            nwc_client.send_payment(payment_destination[1], 21)
        elif payment_destination[0] == "bolt12":
            # Send payment to BOLT12 static address using NWC
            nwc_client.send_payment(payment_destination[1], 21)
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error sending payment: {e}")

def main():
    twitter_username = "twitter_username"
    payment_destinations = extract_payment_destinations(twitter_username)

    for destination in payment_destinations:

if __name__ == "__main__":

Unfortunately, I think this is actually maybe slightly further from correct.
  • The nostr code is still not real or functional.
  • The alby code definitely still won't work (and there's no such thing as an "alby address")
  • Your parsing of lnurls still doesn't have a valid regex
  • Bolt 12 parsing and payments are incorrect here too.
In general, none of these payment methods will work as coded and most of the address extraction doesn't look right. I'm not confident that AI tools will give you functional code for this problem tbh. You may want to put in the extra effort to build this manually if you want something working.