Just a non-descript photo of Singapore Exchange. But it holds special significance for me. It symbolises my glorious honey-sweet night of freedom. Released from responsibility, I attended a finance seminar at night, taking advantage of the fact that my wife and kids were away in Japan.
Although I was alone, I savoured my solitude. I felt exhilarated having nuggets of information about REITs seep into my consciousness and dug into the sandwiches without a care in the world. That night was me flapping my wings of independence. Now, as I look at this photo, I am reminded of my last heart-thumping frontier of liberation. I haven’t been able to attend a night seminar since then, so that rare night out feels especially precious.
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Certain amount of freedom that is simply priceless. Enjoy and live in celebration of the moment.
Wow! You're the same story as every husband and father holds! I've married from the same town and I can tell you that I won't ever get a chance to be so free. I think you're lucky that your wife, at least once in a year will be with her parents. My wife doesn't go because she's from the same town. Her parents' house is hardly a km away. All her brothers (she has four) keep showing up almost on a daily basis. Oh Man! I'm still jealous with you.