I don't know if the site works well in other countries, but this is a site that aggregates free streams of live sports events.
This really sucks man! Too many bogus popups, redirects and still not able to play. I've tried such sites long before for other games but they never worked. If they worked then I didn't like because they give you videos only in very very low quality and the cost may sometimes be an unwanted file installed or downloaded in your system without your consent.
Sorry, I've got so many adblockers running that I don't notice those things!
Are you able to run these with the adblickers?
Yup -- have the Denver/Seattle game going now. Note that this is on Streameast, which was the first aggregated stream from Sportssurge.
That's good for you! I've just tried it on mobile. Tomorrow I'm gonna try it on a computer. Maybe it works fine there.
I hope so -- I don't tend to use mobile for any video, so have only tried on my desktop.
I'll tell you the experience. Thanks!