Many times what we do most, I am a family doctor, is to guide people, give them tools so they can manage their own health. But charging for that is difficult for us.
This is what so many in the former free world need, and although many things can't be done online then still a lot can, especially the long term management part!
I have myself had an MD who was one of the very few in country who could actually heal people, but due to the globalist occupation he has to fucking hide his great results!
The stories I can tell... I will get around to that too! Big pharma is literally going after anyone who can actually help without their expensive and often very harmful, artificial drugs, but from this I guess MDs in your location should be safe from harassment?
Either way, there is a huge need out there! I'd be happy to help out
As I told you before, I have no qualms about helping anyone who asks me for help with medical issues. If my help has been useful to you and you want to use Value for Value (V4V), I appreciate it, otherwise there is no problem. My greatest reward is knowing that I have helped someone. No one can condition my work by pressure, I do not have a contract with a pharmaceutical company or any entity. Only my commitment to people.