The issuance of fiat money toward housing needs to be removed from the grasping hands of private for profit bankers. As long as we still have a fiat debt based issuance monetary system it is insane to allow for profit banks to issue new currency for the purpose of the purchase of existing housing. It will only result - as it has done ever since the neoliberal reforms of the 1980s - in these banks issuing an ever increasing ratio of new fiat debt currency toward existing housing thus creating a housing price inflation spiral that damages every aspect of the economy except speculators and bankers. This is one of the greatest heists and cons of history- done in broad daylight by bankers who have captured our politicians, media and mainstream narratives and are thus capable of obfuscating their blatant predatory misuse of fiat debt monetary issuance. Reinstate the logical and essential restriction that was until the 1980s imposed on for profit banks that they only issue fiat finance-capital-debt toward productive purposes and end this parasitic rentseeking fiat debt farming insanity. It is destroying the fabric our economies and societies. The only problem is these bankers own your it might not be so easy to fix this.