How Global Warming Saved The Planet | Patrick Moore and Stefan Molyneux (2016)

Fifteen years after co-founding Greenpeace, Dr. Patrick Moore left to establish a more sensible, science-based approach to environmentalism. Dr. Moore joins Stefan Molyneux to discuss the impact of increased CO2 in the atmosphere, the myth of ocean acidification, manipulating earth temperature data sets, environmentalist anti-humanism, verbal abuse from the left, genetically modified organism (GMOs) and how "Global Warming" saved the planet!
Dr. Patrick Moore is one of the founding members of Greenpeace and the author of “Confessions of a Greenpeace Dropout: The Making of a Sensible Environmentalist.” Get the book:
Climate zombies are a bigger problem than climate change. We can actually adapt if the climate changes, and so will every other species. It will either migrate north, south east or west. Whatever
Its the zombies that blindly believe the climate is their biggest concern. Its completely ridiculous because you barely gotta think about it to realise the climate cant really hurt you.. Especially if we have a strong economy, and you have stable income. But this is being thrown away in the name of climate change, its quite ironic. I mean the climate change fascists are causing a critical lack of investment in hard energy infrastructure which means industry will not really be possible, simple heating or cooling if your home will not be possible in the end. And without industry there is no wealth creation, no jobs, and the standard of living drops. Then we are just deers in the headlights compared to the climate. I mean, we only become vulnerable to the climate once we lose our jobs and run out of money. Thats when we are put on the streets and are at the mercy of mother nature and it doesent have mercy... Yet the government is doing everything it can to put us on the street as fast possible in the name of not changing the climate. Sad!
сейчас потепление... кричат климат. потом похолодание, кричать холодно... вы хотите стабильности? тогда вам стоит изучить момент с самой низкой и высокой температурой в космосе. - 263 +100000000000000