As a fellow bitcoin podcaster, I would love to hear your big-brain thoughts on what this recent Nostr+Fountain integration will mean for us long-term.
Get cosmic with me. How will Nostr integration into Podcasting 2.0 & V4V change this industry?
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Cosmic Version:
We've seen the rise of the "side gig" in the past 10-15 years as an increasingly normal and almost required part of the economic system. Nostr, Bitcoin and V4V is going to aggressively build toward solving problems for this market (because people will build it for themselves), which will only continue to grow, and in another 10-20 years the majority of small business around the entire globe will exist in this ecosystem in some form or fashion. Like not having a website eventually became a really stupid thing for any business in the 2000s and 2010s, not having a Nostr ID and social graph, not having bitcoin integrated into what you do, and not connecting to the networks that leverage these tools will look like using a fax machine. It'll be leaving seriously good money on the table, imo.