lol, yeah i can get that. Honestly as much as CTV and CSFS would give a lot of cool benefits for building novel systems, its not necessary. Bitcoin is fine with or without them honestly and we haven't nearly exhausted the potential for the technology that is available to us today.
I really think its just because its fun to talk about new things we can build and new ways we can solve problems, and doing the grueling work to REALLY get the previous era of tech working in the most robust and complete fashion is less exciting... thus the soft forks get more attention and buzz, rather then the hard work of building out what we already have.
But i don't think its an emergency or some disaster that we don't get it, or even that it just takes 7 years to get some basic covenant proposal that is both very low risk and highly desirable. Probably makes sense to actually build out full working versions of things that need CTV before any serious discussion of a soft fork should be considered anyway.
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