As most of you know, I was born out in the hot Arizona desert, just me, the sun, and the father. I have lived here my whole life... roughly 40 human years. I have had many dreams of the big city. Maybe I lived there in a past life. But this was my 1st TRIP there. In Arizona, we call the big city Phoenix. I guess people go there to die and be reborn or something like that. It was incredible. 🏜️☠️🫃🏻
I had heard that it is always 100 degrees in Phoenix. Turns out, that is 100% true. 100, exactly, wow. 🥵 Com_ment be>I0w if U kNow.
I found a beautiful park. It is a place where the city folk go to see and be in the real life nature. There were huge trees and lush grass everywhere. And people walking in circles through it all. So beautiful. I had never seen so much green in a place where it was so hot. They must have tons of free water. These sprinklers ran the whole time I was there, half the day, at least. They watered the side walk and everything. Interesting. ⛲️ Com_ment be>I0w if U kNow.
Then the extra water just runs into these holes in the ground. Where does it go from there? Maybe they reuse it? That must be why they don't mind running it all day long. Maybe the people 🫥 who live in the park get to drink the extra water. Com_ment be>I0w if U kNow.
As a desert dwelling Bitcoiner, I have never been much into politics, but I have heard a bit about them. I was pleased that this was the only signage I saw pertaining to such matters. I think the people want to start a new team. I heard they were considering both orange and purple. 🍊 Com_ment be>I0w if U kNow.
I was pleased to see that safety is a top priority in the city. They put this sign here to let people know what to do in the case of an emergency. Very handy. But I looked closer and I couldn't find the number for 911 anywhere on the sign? Please comment below, if you know so I can contact the appropriate authorities. ⛑️ Com_ment be>I0w if U kNow.
I watched people fishing for hours in this lake. Do they think there are really fish in there? Have you seen any fish in there? I don't think there are any fish in there. 🎣 Com_ment be>I0w if U kNow.
In the city, the people live inside big fancy boxes called houses. I got to see a new house🏠 being built right in front of my eyes. So cool. So fancy. I wonder what happened to the old house that used to be there. I trust that they moved in somewhere else where it can still be put to good use. They probably disassembled it to use the parts for the new house. I feel a little sad that the old house 🏚️ is gone. I hope it is some place really great. Maybe some of the people that were living in the park get to use it now. Com_ment be>I0w if U kNow.
I noticed most peoples cars🚙 there were shiny and new looking. I felt a little insecure about mine. Its quite dusty, and it has lights on the dash all the time telling me there are problems. And it has too many miles. Is it getting too old? I sure am happy it still works. When is something old? Com_ment be>I0w if U kNow.
I found a very big store and found some toys 🧱. There were thousands of them. So cool. These ones are called legos. I guess people pay for little plastic blocks, so their kids can put them together and build little tiny houses and things. My father always just gave me big rocks so I could learn to build houses big enough to live in. I wonder what they do with the tiny houses? Maybe if they had enough, they could put people in them. I guess that would probably be too expensive. Com_ment be>I0w if U kNow.
As much fun as the city🏙️ was, I was very grateful to get back home just in time to enjoy this beautiful sunset. It is so quite. There is nothing to do. No people. No parks. No stores. I guess there isn't much out here, but it feels good to me.🏜️
What do you all think? Do you enjoy city living? Have you considered going off grid? Whats it like where you live ⍰⍰⍰ Com_ment be>I0w if U kNow.
Com_ment be>I0w if U kNow, mY lIFe5' 'A-TRIP'
Cool trip report. Thank you for sharing!
Phoenix is relatively small! Keep visiting bigger and bigger places and meet other Bitcoiners!
Thanks. Bigger! Really, Phoenix is small. I think it was plenty big enough more me. I like connecting on here and nostr the best. No borders.