I imagine them in the desert on my property. Oh look. There they are.
32 sats \ 1 reply \ @Wumbo OP 9 Sep
Couple of questions:
  1. Is there a back story to the names on blue tape?
  2. Are you able to run 24/7 off the batteries?
Great questions.
  1. The miners are named after men in my family. They are my father, grandpa, and uncles. I named them so I could get to know them better. Each one has different behaviors and quirks and its easier for me to remember what is what with names. Also, since they are workers doing mining, men from my family seemed appropriate. Most of the men aren't with us anymore so it also honors them.
  2. Not at all. The battery setup is really more for keeping them up with temporary cloud cover and slightly extending the runtime. When its sunny, they might run 12 hours a day. Its an art trying to capture as much light as possible. They really just serve a a power buffer. I don't have near enough panels or batteries to keep them going. That would be awesome though.
Thanks for the questions. I am working a full post about my off-grid setup.
I am just joking around.
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